28 January 2007

These kids sure have developed some fun(ny) games or activities. Whenever Isabelle is in the tub by herself, she does what she calls 'swimming.' What this swimming is is when she gets on her belly, and gets as close to one end of the tub with her feet. Then she pushes off as fast as she can, and belly surfs accross the tub, which pushes a big wave of water ahead of her, only to splash back at her when it get to the other end. She then wipes off her face, and laughs, and gets ready to do it again.

David has a game he like to play around the house. He goes into one of the bedrooms, and gets behind the door. Then he peeks his head around the door to see who's looking at him, and says, "Bye Bye." Then he closes the door, which he can't really open up again, then yells, "Mama!" Then we go open the door for him, he pops out with a big smile on his face, and he wants to do it again.

The other thing we've noticed with David is that he seems to have no fear. At least I hope thats what it is. Either that or no sense. Today we were at the playground, and he just climbs right up as high as he can get on the jungle gym. Then he thinks he can step off any edge like it were a stair. But it's 5 ft. up! Then he was going to walk right down a big slide! He's been climbing up slides for a while, and he likes to go down them on his belly too. Recently he has started to go down slides in a more traditional sitting pose. But today he went down a few times on his belly, then a few sitting runs, but then he just started to try to walk right down it! Fortunately, I was standing right next to the slide and caught him before he went end over. What's he doing? Trying to give us heart attacks?!?

Isabelle occasionally gets a little maternal or nurturing with her little brother. Sometimes its funny and a little inapproprtiate, like when she tells him "No, stay there and take a nap!" at 8 in the morning, and she just happened to cover him up with a blanket. But other times, most times, it's very cute, and she's giving him a bit of her food, or offering him a drink. Sometimes when we redirect him or tell him he can't clinb on top of the TV, and he starts to cry, she will get a toy or stuffed animal and bring it over to try to comfort him. She's so sweet!

21 January 2007

Isabelle is three!! We decided to have a big party for her this year, since for the past two there have been reasons that we haven't done much for her birthday. She also has a little more of an idea about what birthdays are and what goes along with them... like presents. But mostly she likes the cake!!

Those of you who are diligent about reading the blog may remember that we went to a birthday party in the summer at a "bounce-house." Isabelle had such fun that we decided back then that we'd have her party there too. For those of you who don't know about these, they are basically a big room with several giant inflated bounce tents, slides of various heights, little obstacle courses in some... you get the idea. It gives new meaning to kids bouncing off the walls. Anyway, we invited a handful of her friends, family and some of our friends who are particularly fond of the kids. There was an hour of bouncing and then an hour in the party room for pizza presents and cake.

We had a super fun time!!

12 January 2007

I love that the kids are starting to appreciate each other more as they get older, and I hope they are close for ever and ever...

They seemed to really bond closer during the holiday break, maybe because they didn't have any other kids to play with? Anyway we also tried to wean David off of his a.m. nap. He still sort of needs it, but when we let him nap in the morning he doesn't want to nap in the afternoon until 2 or 3pm. This presents a problem at daycare, as all of the other kids pretty much nap that the same time.

Sooooo... after the break the kids go back to daycare and routines resume. The first day back, David is pretty worn out by naptime. Noah brings out the napping mats that the bigger kids use and David runs to Isabelle's and plops down on it. Since he sometimes takes a bit longer to get to nap than others, Noah goes about taking care of the other kids and by the time he returns David is fast asleep. "Isabelle, " he says, "David is sleeping on your mat... what should we do?' Isabelle had a simple solution. She went over and laid down next to him, put her arm around him and went to sleep too!"
Welcome to Hollywood!!

Dahling, you look Mahvalous!!

I love you Sissy. I love you too buddy, even though your poop makes me choke

She really loves me a super duper lot

11 January 2007

David has started to try to say more words. He's pretty clear with "Mamma" and "bye" and "Hi". Now he tries to say breakfast, big red bus and Truck!!!

He loves to wave and say bye to John when he leaves for work in the morning, and climbs up to the window to watch him drive away. That window is also a great place to watch all kinds of very interesting things like cars being towed away, the maintenance workers and the "green" tractor and truck that come weekly to get the grass trimmings from the curb.

Later this month he has his last developmental assessment. I hope they tell us he's all caught up. He seeems to be!!

Here are some fun pictures of him being adorable! And of he and John playing with the giant tiger that Unle Matt and Auntie Joan got us for Christmas. The thing is bigger than David and is a little bit reminiscent of the giant cow balloon!!!

10 January 2007

My little sassy girl... so, Isabelle is clearly getting ready to turn three years old. The only close experience I have had prior to having kids was spending time with my niece and nephew when they were little bitty. I distinctly remember that my nephew was significantly more sassy at 3 than "terrible" during the terrible twos. And Isabelle is not so different. She has begun to use a "tone" with us that I don't like, which leads me to say things like "who do you think you're talking to?" and "You don't speak that way to your mother." Being the very independent child that she is, Isabelle has begun to react to this a bit.

One day, while she was busily playing with her stuffies, I said, "Isabelle, are you ready to eat lunch?" To which she replied, "No Mommy, I am not. I said no. No I said." I watched her to see if she was actually responding that way to me or if somehow incorporating her critters into the conversation as she sometimes does. Then she looked up at me with a sly grin and said... "I'm being sassy to you."

Here are some pictures of Isabelle's latest favorite expression when we take her picture.

08 January 2007

More pictures...

01 January 2007

Here we go again with almost a month transpiring since the last post. Oh well. Happy New Year! I hope everyone has a great 2007.

As far as the last few weeks of December, I really don't remember that much, until Christmas of course. Julies Mom and her husband came out for 12 days. We had a good visit, and with each day Isabelle was a little more friendly with our guests. At first, she didn't really want to look at them, and she certainly didn't want to talk to them or play with them.

We had Christmas morning up here, and we knew that with both families, and all the goods, we wouldn't have enough room in our little living room. So we rented the club house for the complex. Turns out the clubhouse is currently doubling as an office for the management, but we had enough room, and a discounted price. So if you see some file cabinets in our photos, that's why.

It's always good to get the family together for events like this. Unfortunatley, since everyone has to drive so much, there never seems to be enough time to really see each other. Unless, of course, they come and stay for 12 days. ;-)

Here are a few pictures of our excursion to get our Christmas tree. We had planned to get a Christmas card photo out of all this, but since you didn't get one from us, you can tell the photo shoot didn't go very well. At least not for a Christams card.

And then there were the presents. These kids had a great time. Jim and Judy got them a little table and chair set, which was a big hit. And then there were the bows. Yeah, all those toys, and the bows on the boxes were one of the biggest hits. The kids didn't get up too early, but they got tired anyway, with all the excitement. That's why all the pictures in the club house are a bit shy of David. Except for the one with him in Judy's arms.