Last night was a challenging night at the Kirby house. We've all been a bit worn out from my knee surgery recovery and David's bizarre fever that came out of no where. It's hard on Isabelle when the routine changes and seems to cause some adverse behavior. Either all of that or she's just 3 and challenging authority.
So we had a problem listening to Mommy and doing what she asked. It was after bath and everyone was tired and Isabelle decided to knock David's milk cup off the table with a wild sweep of her arm. I told her she neded to pick it back up from the floor and put it on the table. She didn't listen and started crying. Then I repeated my request and she continued to cry dramatically, so I gave her the consequence that she would not get to have her milk until she picked up the cup. The crying continued... finally we told her that she needed to stop so we could read a story or go brush teeth for bed. More dramatic, tired, whiny crying...
After much more crying and objection she did end up in bed. She wasn't being punished, we were just tired of hearing a tired Isabelle cry on and on, and it was time for bed. I went in to do our usual good night routine of singing and hugs and kisses. I asked her what song she wanted to sing..." you pick" she says. So I start "Twinkle Twinkle little..." "
"No Mommy, not that one"
"hush little baby don't..." "No Mommy not that one"
"Ok how about Mary had a little lamb,"
"How about Sweet Child of Mine"
"How about, I lost my milk, 'cause I didn't listen to my Momma"
Sniff, Sniff, Pause..."Yeah, lost my milk..."
So that's what we sang...
Who can forget that old country hit single??