24 November 2005

Just a short note today. Sorry it's been such a long time, everyone. We will be moving this Thanksgiving weekend. Yes, less then desirable holiday activity, but it should be a good thing. Our current landlord will be selling this place, which is quite wise, 'cause these units are really overpriced. So we started to look around, and Julie found a unit in the same community which is available now, and the same rent. So we jumped on it.

This doesn't leave us any time for the usual fun stories, as we are packing and organizing in all our spare time. But here are a few things which I should write up later.

David is over 11 lbs!
Isabelle likes pickles!
Isabelle is also starting to befriend one of our cats, Mojo Jojo.
Davis is 3 months old! Yeah!
We had a great time down at Heather and mike's last weekend for a dual party baby shower, Heather and Amy will have children Feb-March!

In other news, we still don't sleep much.....

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