29 June 2007

Everyday there must be something new with these kids. Which is a good thing. Just this evening, I was getting them ready for a bath, so I turn on the water and then had to go out to the living room to get Isabelle. David was excited to take a bath, as always, and was waiting just outside the bathroom like he does every night. Except tonight, he has figured out how to open the bathroom door, or maybe I didn't close it adequately, and in he goes. And before you know it, he climbs into the tub, with his clothes on! Then he just sat there like it was nothing out of the ordinary.

I guess I'll have to change my m.o., and get them both in there before I turn on the water.

In other news, it seems the most fun thing these kids like to do is put on their rain boots, and stomp-run around the house.

The other most fun thing is to go outside first thing in the morning (well, after a cup of warm milk) and help Julie water the plants. And yes, that could go on for hours, but Julie reminds them that the plants only need a little bit each day.

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