22 December 2007

The kids really don't get the whole concept of Santa and him bringing presents and all that. So before Christmas Isabelle and I were talking about what she hoped Santa might bring her for Christmas and I suggested that she write him a letter to let him know. 
" I should write him a letter? " she asks me quizzically
"Yes," I reply " you know Santa is a busy man and it's a lot of work to think  about what each kid would like the most for Christmas, so sometimes it helps if you write a letter."
" I should write him a letter and he will bring me presents?" she asks again
"Well, you have to be really really good too, " I say.
"OK, mommy, I will write Santa a lot of letters! I will write a I and an O and an S and a T and a..."
you get the idea : >)

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