23 March 2008

So this weekend was Easter weekend, and that means colored eggs and jelly beans. And an egg hunt. First though, came the coloring. We had a couple of coloring kits, and 18 eggs. Clearly, 18 eggs is never enough for two kids. I think they would have gone through 180 eggs if we had 'em. Of course, when anyone dyes eggs, it's important to give the eggs enough time in the dye to really absorb the colors, but when you are 4, that seems like an eternity! We did get lots of good colored eggs done though, and only a few broken shells.

After we dyed eggs, our friend Jen came by for dinner. Sometimes when friends come for visits, the kids have a hard time eating, because they have so much to show our guests. But after telling stories about the eggs, both Isabelle and David were glad to sit and have dinner. Especially for the desert, chocolate lava cupcakes!

Sunday was Easter, so the big egg hunt was scheduled. The kids got up VERY early with excitement, but we didn't have a chance to hide the eggs yet, so we told them we didn't hear the Easter bunny yet, so we had to wait. We did a little pre-Easter egg hunt in the morning around the living room which was great. Nothing like doing and easter-egg hunt in your pajamas. After it warmed up a little outside, Julie got both kids in the bedroom playing games, and I sneaked out the front door, and hid the eggs, plus a few plastic egg shells full of toys or fruity colored Cheerios. After I got back inside, and just before I closed the door, I rang the doorbell. I can only imagine the looks on their faces as they stopped what they were doing, and looked all wide eyed, with mouth slightly ajar, at Julie. Naturally, Julie surely gave them the same look back, then mentioned that the Easter bunny must have done that, and they'd better get their shoes on.

As a side, there are a lot of times when we do things with the kids, and then I remember doing the same thing as a child, but that memory was lost in the recesses of my gray matter. And one such event like that occurred during the Easter egg hunt. Now, it's not something so grand as the egg hunt itself, but a mall part of it, which I'll get to in a second.

The kids were very excited and ran around the front yard with their Easter baskets in no particular order. Go left, go right. Oh look!

And so it went. Then Isabelle reached into a bush to grab an egg, and here's where my memory was jolted out of its slumber. She was so excited, and focused on the egg, she didn't see the branch leaf sticking right out in front, and right into her eye. Ouch! Fortunately, it was a glancing blow, and probably just stuck her a little at the corner, but it brought an end to the smiles and giggles. After I got over all the guilt of putting an egg in a bush and the resulting eye poke, I remembered a hunt I was on as a youngster, and when I reached for an egg on a tree branch, JAB! Right in the left eye! Enough about me though, I clearly survived. As did Isabelle. Its all about the eggs and candy.

Later that afternoon, we picked up some new flowers at the nursury, and the kids helped play in the dirt and helped to plant the flowers in flower pots. And water. They love to water. We didn't overload them on suger, so the day was pretty good after that.

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