16 December 2009

David is a sucker for store displays. Every time we walk past a store or even an end-cap within a store, David finds something he needs. Or at least WANTS. Badly. Most of the evening after visiting a store, I am reminded of a train, or bear, or car, or candy bit he would like.
The funniest bit of 'reminding Dad' was the other day at dinner, when he mentioned he again wanted, "The train we saw at the farm store."
"Farm store?" I said. "Do you mean the farm we visited around Halloween?"
"Farmer's Market?"
Then he reminded me that we were there a day or two ago, and got some cleanser and some stuff for my work. Ohhh...The Pharmacy!
"Yea, Dad. Can I get that train?"

(p.s., we have like 8 trains, so he's not getting that one.)

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