25 January 2010

Birthday weekend for two. I and Isabelle celebrated our successive birthdays in reverse order, near and far.

Isabelle was very worried and shy about having a birthday party at school. What 6 year old doesn't like birthdays?!? I made the mistake of putting streamers up over the dinning room on Friday, and when Isabelle saw those, she got super worried and scared! We told her that no one was going to sing to her, but she still freaked out. So that was the end of the festivities at our house. And we could NOT sing happy birthday to her AT ALL! I made a deal with her, in that Julie and David could sing happy birthday to me, but only if Isabelle was on my lap.

Isabelle wanted to have her birthday at her friend Jordan's house. So we headed over there on Saturday so the kids could have a sleepover. It was a rainy weekend, so most of the time was spent indoors, but that didn't keep the kids from running all over for hours on end. Its amazing how much of a mess a couple of kids can do in so little time!

When it came to the cake though, everything was good. Ya know, when your 6, or 4 for that matter, the pieces of cake are never big enough. And there's not enough ice cream either!

Sunday, we had a sitter come by, and Julie took me out to dinner at a local bistro, with a kind of Argentinian-European blend. And was very tasty! The kids were tired, but did very well. We have someone that comes by who they really like, so they look forward to her visit. Although, this night, David was a little too tired, and wanted Julie to stay home and tuck him into bed an stay until he was asleep. But it was too early for that, and he just needed a little encouragement to be a big boy and have fun without Mom and Dad.

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