29 August 2005

I just got back from a nightly visit, and David is doing well. He's been oxygenating so well the last few days that the pulse-ox has been taken off. The doctor on call tonite started David on Prevacid to try to help him keep his food down. I suggested he might have esophagitis after having so many stomach tubes and spit-ups. And he may have thrush, which is common in babies that have received antibiotics. Thrush also and lead to esophagitis. He has put on a little more weight, up to 5 lbs, 2.8 oz (2350 grams).
David is getting so cute. I know, I know, I'm the dad and all, but when I just sit and stare at him and his little face, which is less then half the size of my palm, he's just so sweet. And all his facial expressions are a little bit exaggerated since he's so small, which makes them mean so much more. It's also so nice to be able to hold my son, after just kinda looking at him and occasionally touching him for a few days. It's a bonding thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...you just brought a tear to my eye. I'm so happy that he's doing better and you are able to hold him. It is *so* important to his development that you are able to hold and cuddle him. Give him a little kiss for me on his teeny weeny little nose. Love ya, Sherrill