27 August 2005

Well, I just got back from visiting the little guy. He's still doing well. But we're sometimes taking two steps forward, then one back. He's occasionally requiring a little supplimental oxygen, but then he'll go hours on room air without any problems. David is eating, but only about half what he needs, so he's lost a couple of ounces, down to 5 lbs, 0.7 oz ( 2288 grams). He is out from under the UV light too. I'm not sure how low his bilirubin is, but it's low enough for now.

I did get to feed him tonight though. He's getting the whole stop breathing, suck, swallow, start breathing routine down, but he still gets tired, or just likes to go slow. I fed him 25 mls and it took 40 min. David also got dressed for the first time in his 6 days of life, and I got to do that for him. Yeah, it's a little big for him now, but just you wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

The Blog is an excellent idea! Congratulations on your wonderful new addition! My best wishes are definitely with you, David and Isabelle. I've been thinking about you a lot and I can't wait to see you and to meet David.