07 October 2005

David's little GI tract is still learning how to digest all those different little flavors and things in milk. As such, he occasionally has a few bouts of gas. I'm not talking about farting, which he does do, but the bubbles of gas as they move through his gut, stretching the intestine out. Sometmes he gets a saddest face on, obvioulsy hurting, as his face contorts to help force the gas onward. He occasionally has to get his little feet pumping too. This has led me to say, "He has a double pumper now." The double pumpers are the ones that hurt the most.

I know, that's not a very cute little story, but it's one of the things we are dealing with. It's hard to see him hurting, and we can't really do anything about it. He just has to get a good balance of gut flora developed.

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