30 October 2005

I have a few moments, so I'll tell you about David's two month check-up on Thursday. Yeah, two months already! He's doing very well. David continues to grow, up to 22 inches ( 55.88cm) and 9 lbs 11 ounces ( 4395 grams). He's only in the 10-15 percentile at this time, as he's compared to other 3 week olds. Which, of course, he should be. By 6 months, he should be all caught up and growing as other 6 month olds. He can sleep with the best of them though.

This was also his first series of shots. Ouch! Yeah, he got 4 sticks in the thighs. DTaP, Hep B, Polio, and Prevnar. He was a trooper though. Didn't really complain more then a few minutes. And since we a coming into flu season, Isabelle got a unexpected shot too. And she really did great. She didn't like being held still, but after the shot, she didn't really care. She had things to investigate and point out to us.

Both Julie and I will get flu shots soon as well.

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