He still runs with his shoulders pinned back a little, which indicated that his truck muscles are still a little weak. And they don't think that his vocabulary is where it should be, but again, his performance was not indicative of his ability. They want to see him one more time before he turns 3 just to make sure everything is moving in the right direction. He has another hearing test at the end of the month, so we'll see if there are any problems there. I think he's perfect and just fine.

I do have to say though, I don't remember Isabelle going through the "terrible twos," but I think we're going to get them with David. He is so head-strong when he doesn't want to do something, and yells "nononononono!!!" He seems to be listening a little better and following direction a tiny (teeny-tiny) bit better. He 's also very independent. I think it's interesting that Isabelle is thought of as the leader at her daycare, but at home we see that she often follows David. It isn't that she doesn't TRY to get him to do things her way though!
Oh and David is a little tank. He already weighs in at 32lbs and is just solid. I think he's on a growth spurt too. It's hard to tell about that though because he eats like I can't believe.
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