25 August 2007

Today we had a picnic in the park for David. It was a pretty warm Saturday afternoon, but not as hot as it had been, only the low 90s (33 C) instead of above 100 (38C)! We had an area under a lot of trees though, and there was also a breeze, so that was nice. Unfortunately, the picnic area was abused the night before, and was not clean at all! We had to do about 30 minutes of scrubbing the picnic benches and tables to make them suitable for a gathering of family and friends. After that was taken care of, I fired up the BBQ and more people had come, and the mood was a bit lighter. (Cleaning someone else's old ketchup spills and mashed french fries kinda put us in a sour mood.)

We had most of the family there, a few friends from daycare, and a few friends from before kids. The kids pretty much just played with each other, running up and down a small hill, and playing with an assortment of new squishy balls and blowing bubbles. We were so busy though, I don't think I really got a chance to talk with anyone aside from a greeting and a few sentences. I fired up the Bar-B-Que a little later then planned, thanks to the cleaning, but soon enough I had one grill loaded up with burgers, and another with our Bar-B-Que beans, which I heard were quite good :-P I also put on some Mickey burgers. I think the kids liked them. They ate them at least. Maybe it was only the adults that liked the burger with ears motif.

You can see from the pictures that we also had animal shaped plates for the kids. And the occasional adult. And yes, we also had a lot of tradional picnic food. Everything from spinach salad to potato salad. Then came desert.....

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